03 December, 2019

The annual George Daniels Lecture at City, University of London has become one of the most keenly anticipated events on the horological calendar since it was established as part of George’s extensive legacy. As an alumnus of City University, the lecture was envisaged by George as an annual moment of connection and learning between masters and students of watch and clockmaking.

This year, Roger was asked to deliver the lecture and, once word got out, he was amazed (not to mention a little daunted!) to hear that tickets had very quickly sold-out!

George Daniels Lecture
The annual George Daniels Lecture

So, on the evening of 19 November, it was to a packed theatre of well over 300 people that Roger stepped up to give his lecture, entitled ‘The Development of the Mechanical Watch’.

Roger says; “I have to say that it was so gratifying to see so many people of all ages, including people who had travelled all over the country to attend”.

“I wanted to deliver a lecture that I hope was educational but has also made what, for me, is an important statement about the problems of mechanical watches in 2019.” He continued: “More importantly, it was about sharing the insights I have gathered during my attempts to create solutions. Above all, I wanted the audience to never accept the ‘accepted standards’ and to strive for better”.

George Daniels Lecture
The annual George Daniels Lecture
“Relentless improvement is where the future of British watchmaking is to be found and, seeing so many young horologists in the audience, I really felt buoyed by the enthusiasm in the room. I have to say that the quality of questions that came after blew my mind and, combined with the energy of all these up and coming watchmakers, you really do feel confident about the future of British horology”.

Roger would like to thank the staff and organisers at City, University of London for doing such a fantastic job in achieving such a well organised and attended lecture.